Wednesday, August 20, 2014

New untitled watercolor piece

Took this photo while roaming Gloucester one evening a few years ago, out in the maze of piers and pylons and forgotten tracts of seawater. This sunset flashed very dramatically and was gone the next minute, and a few days ago while digging through my painting source material it again inspired me.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

New watercolor piece, "Autumn Palate"

I have been fascinated for a long time by the work of artists like Hans Hofmann and Wolf Kahn. Their whole philosophy, their approach to nature and their concepts of color and form... it always gets to me. It never ceases to inspire me each time I think about it (a blessing and a curse). I FINALLY found/made time to follow this inspiration with this piece as the result. After several preliminary studies and staying up until 3 am on a work-night..... I have zero regrets.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

New Oil Piece "Rosehip"

Got on a roll tonight with another oil piece that has been in the works, and kept looking at these drying rosehips drooping over my palate. A quick shift of surfaces and an hour or two later and here we are. 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Watercolor sketch "Sailing"

I recently learned to sail while vacationing in the Adirondack mountains. I loved the way the sunlight played in through the sails as the wind sculpted them. I made this quick study to capture the proportions and colors in hopes of a possible final piece.

"Sarahs Bells" watercolor

A piece for my sister.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

New piece "Last Ones Standing" 16 X 12

Another watercolor in keeping with the autumn theme. I started this awhile ago after taking this photo just outside work. I liked the simplicity and the unusual composition, and wanted it to be a very tonal, textural work.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

New piece "Golden Breeze" 12 X 16

Been quite a while since I last posted.
It seems my interest changes with the seasons, as now I have become fascinated by the colors and shapes of autumn.
More to come...